MMW: Shackleton

Shackleton > any other musician working in electronic music right now. Bold statement? Sure, but I can’t think of one artist who is able to exist outside of the hyperbolic pendulum of modern electronic music as well as Shackleton is. There also isn’t a better artist to listen to while watching the TV.

“Shackleton was the most apt soundtrack for any time I had the TV on. (In fact, do yourself a favor, chuck on a Shackleton recording while you read the following, if you wish to read the following… ) The US squandered their hegemonic decade (perhaps their last one, but who knows really?) on two ruinous military misadventures and the succession of bubbles that burst like boils full of empty numbers and empty wallets and houses and blossomed into a full-blown chronic crisis (can crises be chronic?), and now, still, in spite of or because of that or who knows really, millions of Americans prefer to tune in to Fox News to hear some shrill nutjob scream about how Obama ought to restore America’s pride. Governments around Europe have saved the banks and socked it to the people, and Goldman Sachs are paying bigger bonuses than ever.” (mnml ssgs)

As described in a Resident Advisor review, “Shackleton’s loopy drum programming and ink-stained bass…are pushed to psychedelic extremes. Rather than seeking a way out for his music, he found new ways to burrow deeper.”

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