SXSW: Dee Dee

Yesterday, March 15, was the last day of Warby Parker’s 3-day Citizen Circus, a showcase that featured tons of awesome bands like La Sera, Quilt, Yellow Ostrich, Big Deal, and Hospitality. I saw some great acts there and also had the chance to see one of my favorite performers, Dee Dee from the Dum Dum Girls.

I love the Dum Dum Girls. They make consistently good music and always look really fucking cool. I play them all the time on my radio show and have been looking forward to Dee Dee’s solo performance since I heard about it however many weeks ago. And her show totally lived up to my expectations.

It was just Dee Dee and her guitar — a super stripped down performance of Dum Dum Girls songs. Dee Dee said that she felt naked without her band, but I really enjoyed hearing her play her songs the way that she originally wrote them. I’m pretty sure this was the Dum Dum Girls’ equivalent of an acoustic set. Dee Dee’s voice was just as strong live as recorded, and her performance showed her true talent in song writing.

Here are a couple of photos from Dee Dee’s show on Wednesday.

Post and photos by Allison Cosby

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