Too Evil to Have a Human Name with Bill
Sun Apr 2, 2023 from 7:00 PM until 9:00 PM
DodheimsgardBlack Medium CurrentTankespinnerens Smerte
Pa Vesh EnMartyrsIn the Torment Cell
GrieveWolves of the Northern MoonWolves of the Wintermoon
Monachopsis ArtAn Empty ExistenceSilent Torture
Ara SolisAshvatthaAra Solis
Omega InfinityThe AnticurrentCreation
Heretic Cult RedeemerFlagellum UniversalisIntoxication Divine
AsystoleSiren To BlightSong of Subservient Bliss
NethermancyWorship Evil SacrificeTyrants/Usurpers of Light
Sporae Autem YuggothHowever It Still MovesColossus Larvae: The Crimson Coffin & The Scarlet Worm
Moon OracleOphidian GlareA Vision in the Mansion
DozethroneThe High And MightyThe High and Mighty
NautHuntAll the Days
71TonManOf End TimesPlague
Sarah PagéVodaVers les Abimes