Too Evil to Have a Human Name with Bill
Sun May 1, 2022 from 7:00 PM until 9:00 PM
InsurrexionInsurrexionEl Eco de la Voz
AridXII - From Anthropophaic Waste Breeds a Writhing MutagenesisTulpae Exhumed from the Fetid Crypts and Maggot Spore of Cursed Remains
Sainte Marie des LoupsObeissance...Jusqu'a la MortJuge par la croix, porte par les tenebres
Escaping AgharthaCroakChytrid
Vomito VacuoLocura y un cuerpoHe muerto con un grito ahogado por mi propia moral
Hideous GomphidiusApparitions of the SporebornSprouting from a Carcass
Virulent SceptreEremitic Spawn of Abject Darkness and FilthA Levitating Head Emerges from the Coagulated Hair and Blood
Negative HornNegative HornII
כף הקלעבצל הקללהקברי מלאכים
Tirad DurFell Light in Windy CloudBlasted Landscapes of the Crusade
Aparthiva RaktadharaAdyapeeth Maranasamhita (আদ্যাপীঠ মরণসংহিতা)Nada of Creation Collapses Onto Primal Bindu
Cadaver CoilsOfferings of Rapture and DecayArid Sand Tomb
The NestHer True NatureHer True Nature
BaphomorphI, II, IIINo Longer Human
DauþuzVom schwarzen Schmied: BergkgesængeDer Bergschmied I: Mein Berg
RuineRévolte et Crânerie PaysanneVentilions la gouvernance
PendulousA Palpable Sense Of Love & LossA Faltering Will
AquilusBellum IEternal Unrest