Radio Free Radio with Steve
Sat May 5, 2018 from 7:00 PM until 9:00 PM
Jute GytePenetraliaForced Entry
Confusion MasterAwakenFalse Dawn
Various ArtistsDoomed and Stoned In PhiladelphiaBlack Urn: "40 Devils"
RibspreaderThe Van Murders - Part 2Meat Bandit
DeafheavenOrdinary Human Corrupt LoveHoneycomb
SuperstitionSurging Throng Of Evil’s MightDeath's Fuming Passage
Posthuman AbominationTranscending EmbodimentSimulacra-Simulation
Consumer Electronics & MerzbowHorn of the GoatGoodbye Leslie
CHRCHFister/CHRCH splitTemples
BismuthBismuth/Undersmile splitCollapse
Primitive ManCausticInevitable