Radio Free Radio with Steve
Sat Apr 14, 2018 from 5:00 PM until 8:00 PM
Graham DunningWay Too Much TimeWay Too Much Time
Copper SoundsA Regular Pattern A Regular PatternHideous and bad forever
Simone FortiAl Di LaCensor
Steph HorakthreehundredandsixtysixALL
Sandra BossLuftA1-A4
SmegmaPigs For LepersID-O-MATIC
Michael Foster/Ted Byrnes Duo25
Fred Lonberg-HolmPersonal ScratchPersonal Scratch
Bruce Russell/GnarlosRuined AgainThe Organ Courier and The Chinese Billionaire
Lasse Marhaug/Brutum FulmenTender WreckageDawn
Various ArtistsBlanc Et RougeMaria Pokrzywińska: "Reglamentoso"
Duck ThatEggsDouble demand
Simon Cummings(ma)from silence; of nothing
das synthetische mischgewebeNeunundvierzig Entgleisungen side a
Hugh DaviesInterplayAeolian Sackbutt (with Hilary Jeffery)
Various ArtistsFug GumSmack Music 7: "Spoon Fed"
The ConduitsRepetition Is The Sincerest Form Of Repetition Free And Bound
Lawrence CraneCraniostomy Vol.1Stratum Rejecti
volvoxBad EarthPure Horror
Secluded BronteSecluded in Jersey Citycyclops
Radio For The PeopleGreatest Hits Vol. 2#4
Bren't Lewiis EnsembleThe Inevitable Typo On Shiela Ostrich's TombstoneAssassination Raga (words by Lawrence Ferlinghetti)